4-Week Summer Workout Plan: Take This Challenge To Revitalise Your Routine And Sculpt Your Whole Body

Nothing inspires motivation like a good challenge, whether you have a competitive attitude or not. For this reason, Women’s Health and NASM-certified personal trainer Bree Koegel collaborated to develop the Summer Workout Challenge, a 4-week program that promises to yield significant benefits.

Summer Workout Challenge Game Plan

You will perform four workouts per week of the challenge: Abs, Full Body, Upper Body, and Lower Body. Another option is to work out cross-training one day and take two days off. To view the complete routines, click the links below.

Week 1: Focus On Form

“These moves, when executed correctly, do wonders for lean, toned muscle mass,” remarks Koegel. Also, you’ll get better outcomes and avoid injuries if you use the right form.

Week 2: Go For More Reps

Raise the bar for the amount of repetitions you perform in a set. Attempt 15 repetitions if you completed 10 in 40 seconds on the previous round, and so forth.

Week 3: Increase Your Weights

Lift heavier weights—but only after you’ve mastered proper form, advises Koegel—if you want to bulk up. Her advice? “Drop it” if you’re compensating only to maintain your weight. “The key is to tune in and pay attention to your body.”

Week 4: Complete An Extra Round

Push yourself to complete an additional circuit or two. When is it appropriate to level up? Koegel recommends keeping track of the amount of time you’re out of breath after exercising. “If you feel like you have more energy left after your heart rate gets back to normal, go for it!”

How To Stay Motivated

According to Koegel, you should reward yourself when you hit fitness milestones. For example, if you complete a week of the challenge or manage to squeeze in an extra round on abs day, you should reward yourself. You can get a pair of shoes you’ve been coveting, a table reservation at your favorite restaurant, or anything else you desire! Oh, how I adore indulging in self-care!

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