A Timeless Beauty: How One Actress Prepares for the Red Carpet

The Cannes Film Festival is a staple event for many celebrities, and for one distinguished actress, it’s a platform to showcase her timeless beauty and elegance. She has been gracing the Cannes red carpet for over a decade, presenting a variety of stunning looks. This year, she opted for a more understated appearance but maintained her classic elegance through her tried-and-true beauty routine. Read on to discover how the 78-year-old actress prepares for a major event like Cannes and how she unwinds afterward.

Prioritizing Rest and Limiting Snacks and Alcohol

In a recent interview with the U.K.’s The Telegraph, the actress emphasized the importance of a good night’s sleep before a big event. “I definitely don’t eat in the morning,” she shared. “And I definitely don’t drink if I’m wearing a very tight dress. It’s the classic stuff.” While sitting in the hair and makeup chair, she avoids snacking. “No snacks allowed,” she said.

Cleansing and Moisturizing the Skin

Though her glam team handles most of the detailed work, the actress ensures she provides a clean canvas, including her nail beds. “I get the old scrubbing brush out to make sure everything’s clean because you want to present these people with a clean slate for them to work their magic upon,” she said.

Indifferent About Getting-Ready Music

“I’m such an unmusical person, I never have music on in the background,” she revealed. “Although yesterday [before Cannes], the hair team had a great sound thing going on—some really lovely and interesting music playing.”

Leaving the Rest to the Glam Team

In Cannes, she had a team of six hairdressers and multiple makeup artists working on her simultaneously to create the elegant, slicked-back bob and glowing makeup that complemented her royal purple ballgown. “I have an amazing glam team here in Cannes and, yes, the preparation is quite extensive, but it’s like poetry in motion watching them all work,” she said. “If you don’t look good at the end of that, then shame on you.”

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