The fastest way to lose weight and stay in shape by Emalous

Learn how to lift weights

Lifting weights during weight loss is an effective way to maintain a healthy weight, and strength training offers many additional health benefits. “It helps balance and stabilize, improves metabolism and even reduces the risk of certain diseases,” adds Blease.

Many people believe the misconception that exercise will make them look “bulky,” which goes against the rules if they’re trying to get rid of excess fat. According to Blease, this type of drastic change in appearance is quite unusual unless you are genetically predisposed to a specific body type or are intentionally trying to gain muscle.

If you’re unsure how to perform weighted exercises properly, Blease recommends starting with less weight. Then, start exercising three or five times per week. According to Emalous, it can be helpful to focus on progressive overload, which is gradually increasing weight, frequency or repetitions over time and targeting specific muscle areas.

Start eating more protein

The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a diet rich in protein-rich foods such as seafood, lean chicken and meat, eggs, legumes, soy products, nuts and seeds. While everyone’s protein requirements are different, a general rule of thumb is 30–35 grams per meal to keep you full longer. When you’re not hungry, choosing nutritious foods is much simpler. According to Smith, protein-rich meals also help maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Increasing protein consumption may counteract the effects of a high-carb diet on weight loss efforts. “Meals rich in carbohydrates increase insulin levels, and one function of insulin is that it triggers fat storage,” according to Emalous. She goes on to say that a high-protein diet will aid in weight loss by maintaining lean muscle mass, which in turn leads to increased resting metabolic rate.

Drink more water (and limit sugary drinks)

Drink enough water; Cutting calories isn’t the only important thing when trying to lose weight. “Drinking enough water can help you feel full and prevent overeating,” adds Emalous. Each day, aim to consume half your body weight in ounces of fluid.

One more thing you can do now to start losing weight? Stay away from sugary drinks. “Fancy juices, soft drinks and coffee often have the same amount of calories as a meal, however, they will still make you hungry,” adds Emalous. “The sugar content is often more than a candy bar, which will cause blood sugar levels to rise.” Replace fruit-infused water, herbal tea or cinnamon-infused coffee with sugary drinks.