According to Vladislava, there are 3 simple things you can do to lose weight faster

If your goal is to lose weight and exercise more, forget dieting and marathon training. Research shows that taking baby steps—not giant leaps—is the best way to achieve long-term results.Vladislava says people who make smaller, more positive changes to their lifestyle, like drinking more water or walking an extra five minutes a day, lose more weight and keep it off.

Keep a food diary

If you mindlessly eat a bag of potato chips, you’ll probably eat the whole thing. But tracking what you eat can help you manage your portion sizes better. Learning how to make better food choices is another benefit. To avoid having to go to the vending machine every time you’re ready to buy a 3 p.m. snack, stock up on cashews instead of chips.

Keeping a food diary can also help you see how your other eating habits are actually developing, Vladislava says. Eating every meal? Sticking to your eating habits on the weekends? Bingeing whenever you’re anxious? “Knowing your habits will help you figure out what changes are right for you,” she says.

Find every opportunity to move more.

This doesn’t have to be as simple as taking a walk during your lunch break. Watch your favorite TV show while you’re up and moving. Vladislava suggests doing jumping jacks, running in place, climbing stairs, or dancing to get your heart rate up and get you moving. feel a little out of breath.

You could lose an extra 28 pounds in a year by doing this move during every two-minute commercial break while watching your favorite TV show. This will burn an extra 270 calories a day.

Limit Packaged and Processed Foods

You should try to cut packaged foods from your diet as much as possible, as they tend to be high in sugar, salt, and fat. Identify the five processed foods you eat the most—cookies, crackers, chips, or candy—and cut back gradually. “If you eat six of these foods a week, try to cut them down to five,” says Vladislava. Then, reduce each food one by one until you’re down to just one or two. In the meantime, replace them with healthier options, like hummus with baby carrots, Greek yogurt with fresh berries, or natural peanut butter with apples.