China Becomes Leading Source of Tourists for South Korea

In the first half of this year, South Korea welcomed 2.2 million visitors from China, making it the top country of origin for tourists. Japan, previously the largest source of visitors, fell to second place with 1.4 million tourists. Taiwan and the United States followed, according to the South Korean Ministry of Tourism.

From January to June, South Korea saw a total of 7.7 million foreign visitors, marking a 74% increase from the previous year. The country aims to attract 20 million international tourists by the end of this year.

To enhance the tourist experience, the South Korean government has committed to enforcing stricter regulations on budget tour packages that cater to Chinese visitors. These low-cost tours often pressure tourists into continuous shopping for overpriced goods, such as cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and duty-free items.

There have been numerous complaints from Chinese tourists about being compelled to shop excessively. In May, a South Korean tour operator faced a one-month suspension after it was discovered forcing a group of Chinese tourists to participate in shopping activities during their visit. This marked the first instance of the South Korean government suspending a travel agency’s operations for such practices.

The government’s new measures aim to ensure a more enjoyable and fair experience for all tourists, promoting a positive image of South Korea as a travel destination.