Expert Advice on Rapid Weight Loss: Two Week Plan to Melt Fat From the Midsection

Everyone should make their own decision about whether or not to lose weight. However, seeking advice is reasonable if you are interested in learning how to reduce belly fat.

How to lose belly fat in two weeks:

The Little Book of Game-Changers author Jessica Cording, R.D., notes that losing weight, and losing it sustainably in particular, is typically a process that takes time. Still, you have some control over the situation that can make things go more quickly.

1. Accept that your behaviors will adjust.

Being conscious of your decision-making process is a huge component in losing weight. When you’re out with pals for happy hour, for instance, it’s easy to let your guard down and eat or drink too much. You can change your direction, though, if you pause for a second and realize it. According to Gagliardi, staying mindful and considering alternative activities that could provide the same satisfaction as eating comfort foods are important.

2. Track your calories.

To lose weight, the simplest thing to do is to burn more calories than you take in. For example, a weight reduction app (or even just a pen and paper) can help you determine the number of calories you need to cut out of your diet or burn at the gym to reach your objectives, as 3,500 calories equals one pound of fat. Gagliardi claims that one pound of weight loss is possible with a weekly caloric deficit of 3,500 calories and a daily caloric deficit of 500.

Looking at the Body Weight Planner from the National Institutes of Health is a simple approach to help you figure out what you need to achieve your target. Enter your present weight, activity level, weight loss objectives, and desired time to accomplish them into this online tool. It will then calculate your ideal weight loss rate. It will then provide you with a daily calorie goal to work towards. Even though it won’t provide you specific instructions, it might serve as a general guide to assist you shed those extra pounds.

3. Eat more fiber.

Sugary and refined carb heavy foods don’t curb hunger, so you eat more of them. Consume a diet higher in fiber foods such as chia seeds, beans, vegetables, fruits, oats, whole grain breads, and legumes. Dr. Lawrence Cheskin, who is chair of the nutrition and food studies department at George Mason University and assistant professor of health, behavior & society at Johns Hopkins University, adds, “They fill you up more” because fiber slows digestion.

4. Walk every day.

“Walking is a pretty good entry point for people,” advises Gagliardi, particularly those who have not yet developed a regular workout regimen. The Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry published a small study that indicated obese women who walked for 50 to 70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks significantly reduced their visceral fat compared to a control group that did not exercise.

“There are health benefits to walking, even if it’s just one minute at the beginning, as long as it’s more than what you’ve been doing,” Gagliardi says. People often fail at losing weight because they attempt to accomplish too much, too quickly, and then give up.

“It is better to start slowly and work your way up than to overdo it and give up,” advises Gagliardi. Making a commitment to go for a short 10-minute walk after supper is a simple way to start, and you can gradually extend the duration as you get used to moving about every day.

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5. Begin strength training.

When attempting to reduce abdominal fat and maintain the loss over time, full-body strength exercise is essential. According to Dr. Cheskin, strength training should be included in the workout routines of nearly all individuals. Reason being, when you lift weights, you increase your muscle mass, which in turn decreases your fat mass.

Additionally, you will continue to burn calories even after your workout has ended, leading to a decrease in total body fat, due to the metabolic activity of muscle. An added benefit, according to Dr. Cheskin, is that you will have a bit more leeway in your diet when your metabolic rate speeds up as a result of muscle building.

6. Embrace healthy fats.

Incorporating monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are beneficial fats, into your diet will make you feel fuller for longer. “Fat sources that I recommend boosting in the diet come from unsaturated fatty acids found in foods like olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty fish, and eggs. They can help increase satiety while providing a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation,” reports Yasi Ansari, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., who is the national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.’

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