Gabi Shares 5 Daily Exercises to Lose Weight and Stay Fit

Good Morning

Position yourself with your feet wide apart and a resistance band wrapped around your neck and feet. With your back straight and legs slightly bent, lower yourself until your torso is parallel to the floor in a steady, deliberate motion. Restart after holding for 5 seconds. There you have it. According to Gabi, the excellent morning exercise can help you develop good hip hinging form, which will be useful while doing squats, even if it doesn’t include much knee bending.


Place your hands on your hips as you stand tall and facing a box or other solid, raised surface. Step up onto the box with your left foot after engaging your core. Maintaining a right knee bend and balancing on top of the box, press down with your left foot to straighten your left leg. At the same time, drive your right knee forward in front of you until it’s at hip height. Go back to where you were before. There you have it. Do it from both sides.

Glute Bridge

In this position, you should bend at the knees and place your feet 12–16 inches off the floor behind your butt. Get your abs in, then lift your hips up toward the ceiling by pressing down on your heels and squeezing your glutes. Down to the starting position, hold for two seconds.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

In this position, you should bend at the knees and place your feet 12–16 inches off the floor behind your butt. Get your abs in, then lift your hips up toward the ceiling by pressing down on your heels and squeezing your glutes. Down to the starting position, hold for two seconds.

Reverse Lunge

Maintain a standing position with your feet hip-width apart while simultaneously holding a kettlebell above. Bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle as you lower yourself by stepping back with your right leg. To stand up, push through your left foot and then switch sides. There you have it.