Olivia’s exercises can help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Factors that contribute to bone loss include getting older, being female, not getting enough calcium and vitamin D in the diet, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and not getting enough exercise. Finally, exercise can help with that problem, but only if it’s the right form. Plus, it has the ability to prevent bone loss and even increase bone mass. Here’s a list of the types of exercise our experts recommend for this goal, along with a list of the most popular activities that have little to no impact on bone health.

Aim to strength train 2 to 3 times per week.

The majority of studies highlighted in a 2023 review article on HiRIT for bone health involved training three times weekly on non-consecutive days, while others prescribed twice per week. week. This mirrors Cosgrove’s recommendation of total-body workouts two to three times per week.

Prioritize compound exercises.

In contrast to exercises that focus on isolating a single joint, these “banging” movements target several joints and engage large muscle groups. Cosgrove’s favorite compound movements include lower-body squats, lunges and step-ups as well as upper-body rowing exercises, push-ups and chest and shoulder presses. Incorporate bicep curls, triceps extensions, and lateral raises into your isolation techniques. For the core, try plank and twist exercises like the bicycle. Because free weights (dumbbells and barbells) place greater pressure on the bones and encourage strength growth more effectively than machines and resistance bands, they are recommended by both Giangregorio and Cosgrove.

Sprinkle in jumping or other strength exercises.

Do some explosive, high-impact exercises like lateral jumps, squat jumps, box jumps, and jumping jacks to supplement strength training. While your muscles are still warm from the start of your workout, do one or two of the following moves. Cosgrove recommends medicine ball throwing and strength training as explosive ground-motion exercises to warm up for jumps when you’re not ready.