Ultimate Arm Workouts That Require No Equipment


Get down on all fours and position your hands just beneath your shoulders.Take little steps backwards. (Stay steady by spreading your toes wider than hip width apart; increase the difficulty by bringing your toes closer together.) As you lift your chest off the floor, maintain your elbows relaxed.Keep your body in a straight line from your crown to your toes, and look down at your fingers.Pump your glutes, quads, and abs. Stay put for a minute.

Plank With Shoulder Tap

Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart as you begin in a high plank position.With the hips remaining still, tap your right hand on your left shoulder.Place your right palm on the floor.Hold your hips motionless as you tap your left hand on your right shoulder.Put your left hand on the floor. One repetition.

Mountain Climbers

To begin, roll your shoulders back over your wrists, tuck your pelvis, and bring your ribs in into your hips. Stand tall.Bring your right knee in closer to your chest. Put your right foot back on the mat and switch to your left knee straight away.Keep going back and forth for another 30 seconds.

Side Plank

Position yourself on your side so that your right forearm is flat on the floor, elbow is under your shoulder, and legs are straight out in front of you, connecting your head to your heels. Staggering your feet provides additional stability, but stacking them increases the difficulty.
Lift your hips off the floor while engaging your core. Verify that you are not sagging into your shoulder.Reverse the positions after 30 seconds.